What is the unbeatable B2B event of the year?

Dan Keene, Director at Wonder, explores whether Cannes is in fact the ultimate B2B event. Perhaps, it’s all about the right balance.

Without question, the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity offers a physical temperature check for the state of the creative industry. And, in 2023, through the Mediterranean haze, discarded rosé corks and veritable sea of linen, it felt like Cannes truly was back.

Though a meeting of sun, sand and serendipity par excellence, it’s what happens along La Croisette (and beyond) that gives you a tangible snapshot of how things really are. Brands of all shapes, sizes and budgets came out to play with show-stealing experiences on the Côte d'Azur: old-timers and the more fresh-faced alike - there’s a place for everyone.

And, as a festival of creativity would suggest, they were all looking for the shareable, standout moment that would provide them with la différence. But against a backdrop of cost-cutting, tech redundancies and existential crises, the brands on show now needed to demonstrate an understanding of not just creativity, but also the commercial ends this fuels. 
