Event trends in APAC: what can the rest of the world learn?

Savvy event professionals look to different global regions for inspirations, says Laura Chalcraft, Operations Director, Sledge.

One thing is for sure right now: we’re all more connected than ever before, and that’s on a global scale.

For event professionals, this means there’s opportunities to learn and gain inspiration from our peers in different regions and countries, whether that’s by watching on from afar as new innovations emerge, or gaining on the ground experience, and implementing fresh practices on a first-hand basis.

Having previously worked as a Lead Producer throughout the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, there are many unique nuances and ways of working there. Now that I’m back home in the UK, I keep a watchful eye on how the industry is evolving, and often lean on learnings from delivering events in the region when producing experiences both in APAC, and other parts of the globe.
