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in partnership with Cvent

The key questions every event planner should be asking venues about sustainability
Planners can do their bit to make events better for the environment with a searching RFP. Here’s how to find out if potential partners are simply greenwashing – or genuinely committed to change.

Five reasons hybrid events are here to stay for charities
Necessity may have pushed charity events online over the past year – but mixing virtual and in-person fundraising might be the future for the third sector. Read the full story here

More resources to help with your events…

Leveraging your content for virtual events

From sourcing the most engaging speakers to developing keynote and breakout material, great content is one of the most invaluable nuggets you can offer during in-person events. So, when the opportunity to host virtual events arrives, how do you quickly pivot and devise a strategy that unlocks the power of your offline content… online? 

In this eBook, learn how to adapt your in-person content for virtual events and curate content that will engage online audiences.

The ultimate guide to virtual events

The value of face-to-face interaction will never go away, but there are times when going virtual is a necessary part of your event program. But how do you turn a multi-day conference, filled with networking opportunities, educational sessions, and the attendee insights they generate into a virtual one? And once you do, how do you ensure attendees are engaged throughout the event? Here's a handy guide with everything you need to know.

Risk management for event planning: what to do when a crisis strikes

The meetings and event industry is no stranger to crisis. Natural disasters, political unrest, health scares, or an unimaginable act can happen at any time, anywhere in the world. Planners must be prepared to pivot and act quickly. You’ve likely dealt with one-off event disruptions for years, and hopefully have a crisis management plan in place to address those situations. In this eBook, we’ll explore three different stages of crisis management: adapt, evolve and accelerate.