3 key ways event planners can improve their mental health

Event planners are built differently, but aren't machines, so should consider these vital steps to help improve their mental wellbeing.

Ishta Nyakoojo, Producer at DRPG, talks why it is important to take control of your mental wellbeing, and how to do so...

Event management jobs are listed as one of the top 10 most stressful. So how are we managing our own wellbeing compared to other professionals listed alongside us, who are saving lives? Having worked in the events industry for well over a decade, it wasn’t until 2020 that I noticed the long-term impacts that this fast-paced career was having on my mental health. I produce events and experiences for a living, but it was apparent that the planning for my own mental health was well overdue its deadline.

If you asked me to speak about my mental health in front of nearly 400 colleagues 18 months ago I would have internally erupted with anxiety, and to be completely honest with you I would have struggled to share my story with one person. However, that’s exactly where I found myself recently, opening up for a documentary which was shown at a company-wide event, watching myself on screen tell the whole group my story, in reference to the preparation of the return to live events. Yet, this took me back through my own mental health journey and although I wasn’t prompted to open up about this, I felt it needed to be discussed. I wanted to acknowledge the growth that has enabled me to own it.
