The 2023 guide to pitching

The 2023 guide to pitching

Pitching in 2023 is a different game. Josh King VP of Growth at Emc3 shares his do's and don'ts for winning, and keeping, clients next year and beyond.

How has pitching changed over the last few years?

The world of sales has changed as businesses are increasingly opting to adopt remote and hybrid working practices. Pre-pandemic, the majority of our workshops and meetings were hosted in-person. However, now 90% of them are hosted virtually. We’ve repositioned our business and updated our mission “To produce game-changing experiences powered by strategy, content and creativity, underpinned by our commitment to a sustainable future for events” because at emc3, we want to produce amazing events in a way that doesn’t negatively impact our planet, so we’ve started to shift our business practices to align with this.

We’ve also been sharing a framework to help our partners produce events in a way that is more sustainable. We leverage Miro and Zoom for our meetings and pitches which is an immersive, engaging and collaborative alternative to face-to-face. The emc3 team is dedicated to a sustainable future for the events industry, so whenever we meet face-to-face, whether it be for meetings or pitches, we like to coincide several meetings together or plan them around the strategic global programs that we deliver for our partners. 
