What’s behind the rise of sleep tourism?

Annie Hayes Reporter, C&IT

From AI-powered beds to pillow menus, suspended cocoons and specialist advisors, sleep tourism is the new ‘gold standard’ trend that is taking the industry by storm. But why? 

Getting a restorative night’s sleep is hardly the main aim of travelling, perhaps only realistic after an action-packed day on holiday, but now it is becoming the primary focus of going away in the first place – and technology is playing a key role. 

Sleep deprivation is a growing scourge and with as many as one-in-five people in the UK not getting enough according to Mental Health UK, it is driving sufferers to make ‘sleep’ the focus and goal of holidays. For the permanently-busy professional, a work trip centred around restoration make for a very welcome break. 

Many hotels are responding to the trend by optimising standard rooms for sleep, adding in specific design elements that are aimed to boost the level of positive and restorative sleep guests experience when staying with them.
