What sustainability trends are global brands reporting?

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
What sustainability trends are global brands reporting?

Many organisations have aggressive emission or offset commitments, which agencies and suppliers are well-equipped to help them achieve. 

Clients are pushing ahead with a “progress over perfection” mindset, says BCD Meeting & Event’s new report ‘The Sustainability Guide: Global Insights’. Global standards at the hotel or meeting level do not exist; however, many are tracking parts of their meeting or event. This can be as simple as a virtual vs live event, or the destination choice based on transportation options and impacts. 

Progressive corporations are tracking decisions on location or venue, based on carbon impact, and are invested in collaborating with suppliers on what can be done vs. what exists today, and pushing forward on initiatives to start to make a difference.

Here’s what BCD M&E has found clients are focussed on in each global region:
