Activating Samsung TV’s new Jamie Oliver food channel

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Activating Samsung TV’s new Jamie Oliver food channel

Fresh created a mouth-watering activation to promote Samsung TV’s new Jamie Oliver food channel. 

Launching a new channel, Samsung came to fresh with the vision of creating an experiential activation that celebrates The Jamie Oliver Channel on Samsung TV Plus. The main focus for the event was to raise awareness for Samsung TV Plus and promote their new Jamie Oliver channel, which runs 24 hours a day and is totally free to customers as well as encourage footfall into Samsung KX.

Fresh partnered with the Samsung team to produce a two-day activation, centred around a delicious food truck at Granary Square King’s Cross. The food truck featured a chef who served up mouth-watering free tacos, with a choice of two fillings, the cachaça chicken or smashed bean-filling to suit everyone’s taste.
