Is the RFP dead?

Lara Owen Reporter, C&IT
Is the RFP dead?

Agencies are getting frustrated when pitching against the incumbent and having their ideas stolen.

In Season 3, episode 3 of RSVP, Ian Cummings, Global Head of CWT Meetings & Events, voiced his frustrations concerning RFPs, “This increase in requesting RFPs has created a huge amount of workload for agencies and the worst is when they don’t have any intention of changing agencies, they just want to tick a box.” 

“There’s a lot of people and writing involved, there’s a lot of specific questions involved that are made up and something like 70 different questions, and of course all the creativity that goes into an RFP, if you don’t win, all that effort you put into it goes to waste.”

C&IT’s Calum Di Lieto noted that, “It’s frustrating when you know you’re bidding for a lost cause - if you know they’re just going to go with their buddy. One of the cheekiest things I’ve heard about is taking the ideas but not taking the agency on board. They think okay we like these two things, we’ll stick with the same agency but get them to sprinkle in some things that you’ve come up with.”
