Is serendipitous networking possible online?

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Is serendipitous networking possible online?

With more events taking place in the virtual space, we ask, will serendipitous networking ever be possible outside of face to face?

Serendipitous networking is vital, even in an online space, as it can help to engage attendees and empower them to feel involved and their attendance valued. 

However, creating serendipity, or happy coincidence, virtually can be challenging. But the fundamentals are in the soft touches that elevate events according to event planners.

“Serendipitous networking in a virtual space is possible with the use of the right engagement tools that allows attendees to mimic in person behaviour and is not restricted to one-on-one conversations” says Hannah Spurdle, Account Manager at Crowd Comms.
