Introducing the 4-day-week: how will events adapt?

Lara Owen Reporter, C&IT
Introducing the 4-day-week: how will events adapt?

With hundreds of companies beginning to surrender to the four day working week, is it time the events industry caught up?

Why now?

Overthrowing labour structures has been a tradition since centuries began; in the 1800s, Sundays were holy days, the concept being people would spend their free time pursuing spiritual matters. However, many found it an opportunity to kick up their heels and live the high life for 24 hours, meaning being perky for a Monday morning was difficult to come by. As a result of suffering productivity, many factory owners decided to make Sunday a holiday to ensure workers arrived on Mondays with clear heads and increased enthusiasm, lo and behold - it worked!

Perhaps hangovers were not the catalyst for this century’s 4-day-week campaign, but the outcomes are just the same. Increased productivity, reduction in carbon footprints and improved mental health are all attributes that have led the four day work week to be extended by 56 out of 61 firms who took part in the trial.
