Incentive inspiration: Dining in the dark at Dans le Noir

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Incentive inspiration: Dining in the dark at Dans le Noir

Delight delegates with a unique - and disarming - experience at a dinner where first impressions aren’t always what they seem.

There’s a scene in the 2013 Rom-Com ‘About Time’ which takes place in the famous Dans Le Noir. In it, two people meet for the first time in pitch black and immediately hit it off. The conversation flows effortlessly, even though they can’t see each other and have never met. Noone spills a beverage or accidentally makes  any faux pas physical contact. 

This sense of ease and intimacy between people who can’t even see each other's faces might seem far-fetched, but after a visit myself, I can vouch for its accuracy.
