How to start a new agency at forty

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
How to start a new agency at forty

Zara Gregory, Director at The Forty Agency talks embracing the unknown and how turning forty spurred her to start her own agency.

What inspired you to set up your own agency and why now?

My daughters were at an age where we were reading books on resilience, embracing the unknown, not wasting worry and just ‘going for it’ and I thought, this is the message I am focusing on for my children but not necessarily following myself. At the same time, I turned forty and instead of dwelling on this key milestone that I totally understand some people find hard, for me it was a real confidence boost.  I did my degree in Event Management, have spent 20 plus years working in events, I have worked at a number of event agencies. I know this job and I know what works for clients, I know the importance of strong supplier relationships, excellent procuring, making the experience of an event ‘everything’ for the participants and I need to trust in that and do this.

