State of the Industry Corporate Report 2022: How the pandemic has impacted budgets

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
State of the Industry Corporate Report 2022: How the pandemic has impacted budgets

Regardless of the size of budget available for events, corporates are still expecting big bang for their buck, alongside flexibility and visibility.

Budgets are a constant concern for event planners who are often asked to deliver more for less year-on- year, but how has the pandemic impacted the stakeholders’ expectations and more importantly, their pursestrings?

Events can sometimes be an afterthought in a company’s strategy, but as any planner can attest, they are a vital touchpoint in the success of any business ambition. But without sufficient budget, there cannot be significant return on investment for the achievement of business KPIs.

Encouragingly, of those surveyed, 33% of corporate planners said event budgets have increased a little since the pandemic. However, some reasons behind this included “increasing prices” which would suggest the commitment to the strategic thinking behind live events hasn’t increased, just the costs.
