How does dawdling inhibit the event industry?

Lara Owen Reporter, C&IT
How does dawdling inhibit the event industry?

Slow walkers and mumblers in conversation are one thing, but when dawdling bleeds into the realm of events, it can be catastrophic.

In the fast paced world of events, time is often the essence. Time management can make or break productivity and for Pete Rolfe, Client Services Director at TAG, the notion of dawdling drives him mad. 

In Season 5, Episode 3 of RSVP, Rolfe made his stance clear stating, “I hate a dawdler, it's a massive pet peeve of mine, physical dawdlers - verbal dawdlers - any sort of dawdling in business, meetings, on aeroplanes, I can't bear it." For Rolfe, dawdling is an annoyance that transcends physical space, seeping into the realm of verbal communication. Whether it's walking too slowly or wasting time during meetings, dawdling has no place in business: "Unless you are elderly or have a disability - an excuse for the dawdling - I've things to do, places to be. It drives me mad."

C&IT’s Charlotte Flach agrees that dawdlers are utterly frustrating, “I have to ask you because I was a part of this group back in the day, there was a Facebook group called ‘I secretly want to punch slow walking people in the back of the head’ - were you remember of that group?”
