How are event objectives evolving?

How are event objectives evolving?

C&IT spoke to Kershing Goh, Regional Director of Europe at the Singapore Tourism Board, to find out how the direction of events is changing in Asia, and also globally. 

More discerning location selection

Post-Covid and the pressure of inflation are still causing waves throughout the industry, meaning price point continues to affect decision-making. “When you look at international travel, both from an airfare and hotel perspective, the prices have increased globally by at least 20-30% so I think that will be something of a dampener, both for consumers’ ability to travel as much and on the meetings side where things are going to be much more price sensitive, therefore the selection of venue and destinations will become more discerning.”

Kershing advises considering second-tier cities or those who are fussy with their or calibre volume of visitors, as this doesn’t mean a second-rate experience for attendees. “ Our focus has always been from the perspective of quality tourism, rather than quantity tourism. In just one or two days in Singapore the number of experiences you can have and the amount of things you can do is so much more than in some countries because it’s so well connected, easy to move around and everything works efficiently.”  
