Four ways to use brand authenticity to make money

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Four ways to use brand authenticity to make money

As audiences become increasingly scrutinising, brands will have to work even harder to deliver messages that build trust through relevance, authenticity and meaning. 

In an era of endless noise, conversation has the power to cut through and drive preference over and above the competition. It can navigate culture, earn attention and lead dialogue that delivers real value.

A recent report ‘The Art of Conversation’ by M&C Saatchi Talk spoke to senior marketeers from across the brand landscape. 

Among the findings was that customers and potential clients can be swayed to engage with brands if they talk about subjects that are relevant to them. A focus on what matters to audiences and using this to create simple, shareable and memorable ideas that earn attention, will let brands lead conversations that enhance profitability and open them up to new opportunities. 
