Festival of Forums agenda announced

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Festival of Forums agenda announced

The agenda for C&IT's inaugural Festival of Forums has now been released online and registrations are open.

The agenda for C&IT's inaugural Festival of Forums has been announced, with a stellar line up of content, experiences and entertainment. 

Taking place in Glasgow from 26-29 July at the SEC, corporates, agencies and planners from associations and non-profits, will be treated to the wisdom of a psychologist in the opening keynote, who will explain how the scientific ways to adapt agendas and experiences in order to truly engage delegates and become more strategic.

Other sessions will include workshops and roundtables on coping with a stressful job, making sustainability fun and engaging, perfecting your pitch, and a chance to attend a live recording of the C&IT show.

There will also be an exclusive first look at new research and findings from One Industry, One Voice and panels on how to be a best place to work.

The content will culminate in a chance to work with your peers to plan the best event ever, with the winning event announced at the close of day four. But first, an entrepreneur who has created their own event and left their mark on the industry, will close the event with a bang.

All of this will be complemented with plenty of networking, lavish dinners with top class entertainment, teambuilding, city experiences, and of course a Festival Finale party.

To see the agenda and register, click here
