Everything you need to know about Safe Space

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Everything you need to know about Safe Space

C&IT spoke to Gabby Austen-Browne all about her new safeguarding initiative and how eventprofs can get involved in changing the industry for the better.

What is Safe Space?

As you know Diversity Alliance are dedicated to fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in all areas of the events industry, whether that’s in a live event setting, in the workplace, in internal and external events. As part of our ongoing commitment as one of the cornerstones of our DEI work, we’ve created an initiative which takes the form of a charter with four pledges to ensure safety in event spaces specifically.

Safe Space is drawing on those policies in relation to safeguarding, which has traditionally been looked at as something we do for children or vulnerable adults. But what about safeguarding each other from discrimination and harassment? That’s what Safe Space is about - creating a safe environment for everyone free from exclusion and where they feel valued. And if there are safeguarding issues, there are policies, practices and processes put in place to stop that from happening.
