Corporate Q&A: How Adobe's 'reinventing the wheel' with their events

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Corporate Q&A: How Adobe's 'reinventing the wheel' with their events

Fleur Chalmers, Project Manager - Event Experiences EMEA at Adobe, talks about personalisation at scale and setting new parameters for events.

How has it been, starting a new role during the pandemic?

My role at Adobe came about by chance. I was settled in my previous job, but saw this opportunity pop up on LinkedIn and I thought it was worth applying. Being grounded by the pandemic gave me space to re-evaluate my career and consider what it was that was potentially missing from my previous role. 

It was a big risk joining a new company during COVID, and honestly, I completely underestimated how hard it would be. I am used to working remotely, but it is an isolating experience to start somewhere and not have the option to meet people in-person, soak up company culture and create relationships in a more organic way than is possible over Zoom. 
