Corporate Interview: Lidl tells us how to approach events during a cost of living crisis

Corporate Interview: Lidl tells us how to approach events during a cost of living crisis

C&IT spoke with Former Partnerships and Events Executive at Lidl, Alex Griffiths, about career highlights and how to approach events during a cost of living crisis.

Former Partnerships and Events Executive at Lidl, Alex Griffiths, was drawn to working within a larger company after seeing the breadth they had to offer, “What I was drawn to was the calibre of events - spanning from music festivals to food and drink shows, Bristol balloon fiesta, Diwali, Winter Wonderland.”

The endless list of this international corporation appealed to Griffiths as it encompassed a wealth of diversity: “Lidl has a cult following and an inclusive tone that was really attractive to me. I found retail is a fast moving sector within an already fast paced industry - you’re continuously moving and there’s no pause for breath - but that drives me.”
