Are female-founded businesses overtaking those owned by men?

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Are female-founded businesses overtaking those owned by men?

Businesses owned by women have thrived during and despite the pandemic, with those owned by women of colour growing exponentially too.

2021 was a great year for female-owned businesses. Despite market disruptions, women entrepreneurs have shown resilience and ingenuity, and about one in three growth-oriented entrepreneurs active in the world today are female.

And business is booming for them, with more than 30% of women entrepreneurs expecting to hire six or more employees in the next five years.

The findings are from a recent report Women’s Entrepreneurship 2020/21: Thriving Through Crisis, from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). The report states that in 2021: “Start-ups with female founders raised more venture capital dollars and have executed more exits at greater values than at any point in the last decade,” thanks to more angel investors and other fund partners looking to support female-owned businesses.
