State of the Industry Corporate Report 2022: The rise of the event strategist

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
State of the Industry Corporate Report 2022: The rise of the event strategist

Data is powerful. In-depth analysis can provide valuable insights that event planners can use to great effect.

Data insights can elevate an event from a gathering of people to a strategic business investment, but most event planners will admit that they aren’t using data to its full potential.

Data is powerful. When harnessed correctly, it can give invaluable insights into improving future events, upping delegate engagement and providing financial ROI.

But corporate planners could do better at using their event data, responses from the State of the Industry: Corporate Survey have shown. Only 8% said their use of data was very good. With 42% saying it was satisfactory - and so it is clear that there is most definitely room for improvement.
