State of the Industry: Why is talent such a challenge?

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
State of the Industry: Why is talent such a challenge?

The cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine, Brexit and the ongoing effects of Covid-19 continue to have a knock-on effect on the industry. In particular, these have led to difficulty in retaining and recruiting talent

The latest findings from C&IT’s State of the Industry survey show that global factors are very much impacting the events industry. 

“Since the global pandemic we have noticed a significant reduction in experienced and talented people within the industry, both freelance and full-time, from producers and content creators to technicians and carpenters,” said one respondent.

This has further been exacerbated by the ‘bounce-back’ effect, they added, saying: “These two factors have created a perfect storm significantly pushing up freelancer rates and creating a ‘bidding war’ for highly skilled and talented permanent roles.”
