Shein on Event Extraordinaires and Fashion Faux Pas

Lara Owen Reporter, C&IT
Shein on Event Extraordinaires and Fashion Faux Pas

Events Manager from the global fashion giant, Shein, spoke to C&IT about their large scale events, sustainability pledges and what the future holds. 

Charlotte Anthony, Events Manager at Shein, spoke to C&IT about the highs and lows of large scale fashion events and what drew her to the industry.

“I was given the opportunity to study Events, Sport and Entertainment at university in Switzerland. It was gut instinct when I saw the course, it started with service being at the core of the event curriculum, which I think is sometimes lacking with events in general. A lot of people don’t take into account that you have to actually run it, you can’t just set up the event then wash your hands of it.”

Having done work experience at the age of 16 for the Guildhall, Anthony discovered a passion for luxury and large scale events, “I got to meet suppliers and understand a specific side to events like working in listed venues. Everyone at the Guildhall is operating at a certain level, it’s the same as working in the Natural History Museum or the V&A or any of the historical palaces, you can only use from a specific list of suppliers. It’s more particular and fast paced. It was the side of events that I’d never thought about and it opened my eyes from then on really.”
