“It looks like a meth lab”: 5 lessons from the Willy Wonka experience

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
“It looks like a meth lab”: 5 lessons from the Willy Wonka experience

Social media and the internet have been on fire all this week following revelations of an ‘immersive’ experience, branded “Fyre Festival for kids”. 

Formerly just an obscure area in Glasgow, Whiteinch has gone viral globally- for all the wrong reasons. Last weekend it played host to what it claimed to be a Willy Wonka experience marketed as "a chocolate fantasy like never before", but was so shockingly bad that children burst into tears and incensed parents called the police.

For most, the red flags might have started kicking in at the seemingly AI-generated posters advertising the event, which promised “exarsedray lollipops” and “a pasadise of sweet teats”. However, it turns out that numerous families were conned into visiting by the appropriately named House of Illuminati company.

Here are the five top facepalm moments we can take away as event planners.
