Investigating the prejudice of the events industry

Lara Owen Reporter, C&IT
Investigating the prejudice of the events industry

Where glamorous gatherings and luxury destinations are the most publicised, The National Gallery’s Head of Hospitality and Events discusses the difficulty of being taken seriously.

In an era when Instagram feeds are filled with exotic destinations, elaborate parties, and lavish gatherings, it's easy to fall into the misconception that event planning is nothing but a never-ending party. The reality, however, is quite different. Behind the scenes, the National Gallery’s Head of Hospitality and Events, Clare Arouche, discusses the constant uphill battle of being taken seriously in the profession.

 "A lot of people think working in events is the best job in the world, and it is," Arouche explains, "but what people forget about is how stressful it is and how much work there is involved - and how many sleepless nights you can have over an event as well."

The glamorous images of stunning venues, celebrity guests, and luxurious decor that adorn social media feeds often overshadow the behind-the-scenes chaos, “We’re facing tight deadlines, endless coordination, and countless problem-solving moments.” Arouche says, “The hours leading up to an event can be fraught with tension and stress, not quite the picture-perfect vision that social media might portray.”
