Inaugural Alumni A-Listers experience the magic of Monaco

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Inaugural Alumni A-Listers experience the magic of Monaco

C&IT’s first ever cohort of alumni A-Listers spent a weekend in Monaco, a place “Like Nowhere Else”, thanks to the Monaco Convention Bureau and its partners.

Touching down in Nice, I can immediately feel the mood benefits of being on the French Riviera. Although it’s early October and we’ve just left the grey climes of London, the sun is beaming down on us and I’m immediately glad I opted for a skirt today

Our first surprise was a scenic drive through the city and the winding hills and country roads en route to Monaco, in sustainable electric open-top cars courtesy of DMC Ikebana. The bold reds, blues and whites of the vehicles seem to have been especially chosen as a homage to us Brits, which didn’t go unnoticed. 

Stopping at a scenic overlook, with expansive vistas over the Mediterranean Sea, we were served crisp, cool beverages and a plethora of mouth-watering local produce from homemade olive tapenade, anchovy paste, succulent goat cheese from a local farm and delicious homemade cakes. After we were all filled to the brim with food, a short drive along the coast took us to the main event- Monaco itself.
