Diary of a Delegate: Mauritius

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
Diary of a Delegate: Mauritius

Mauritius is the Indian Ocean’s crown jewel for culture, nature and luxury, to delight delegates on inspirational incentives.

Day 1

Touching down at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport after a 12-hour direct overnight flight, I’m raring to immerse myself in The Star and Key of the Indian Ocean.

The first thing I notice is how lush a lot of the landscape is, with thick green vegetation fringing the roads and villages that we pass in our transfer. Most of Mauritius’s resorts are in the North and the West of the island, our driver tells us, as these are the areas which get the least rainfall, but even these areas are rich in nature with an abundance of lagoons, reefs and long sandy beaches . 
