5 ways to champion D&I in your business

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
5  ways to champion D&I in your business

D&I should be an integral part of any company and their event objectives, says Felicia Asiedu, Senior Marketing Manager at Cvent.

Here are five practical things you can do right now as an individual and as an organisation to champion diversity and inclusion.

  1. Platform the voices and needs of diverse groups

Make different groups of people visible. Invite them as delegates and speakers, consult with them when you’re putting together an agenda, and importantly, make sure they are represented in the make-up of your company.

“If you're in a room, and you are the only person like you, you really notice it,” says Asiedu. “It’s normalised that I should feel left to the side, but then I met people and realised there are so many people in events who have started their own business who look like me.”
