How to work remotely as an event planner

Charlotte Flach Charlotte Flach Editor, C&IT
How to work remotely as an event planner

Craig McGee, Chief Events Officer at Panoptic Events, talks about running a successful fully-remote agency.

Compared to pre-pandemic, how have working habits changed in the events industry?

During the pandemic, many people didn't have to commute, and used this time to become more creative. Seeing people spend a bit more time out of the office has been refreshing, allowing for more productivtiy and happiness. Recently I have noticed people using words like 'busy,' and saying " I need to go do my emails', which in turn is causing stress for many, and others falling back into old habits.

Many have left the industry as the long hours, sleepless nights, and stress wasn't for them. Who can blame them? The rise in Wellness events and the growing number of conversations about a better lifestyle and a move towards healthy, and sustainable food has certainly been welcomed. More of this should be encouraged.
